
Afs Yield Monitor Operator Manual


. I am getting error “AG-060 Cannot engage Automatic” when I attempt to engage AccuGuide on my combine.

How can I fix this?. AccuGuide is not enabled. Ensure the “AccuGuide enable switch” or “AccuGuide master switch” is in the enabled position.

May 13, 2013 - This harvest, our Advanced Farming Systems (AFS) Yield and Moisture Monitor is the ideal way to measure moisture levels, grain temperature,. CASE IH AFS YIELD MONITOR FOR AFS 200 V16 OPERATOR`S MANUAL. Free Shipping. John Deere GreenStar Combine Yield Monitor System Operator's Manual OMPC20030 A9 See more like this. New Holland Yield Monitor For IntelliView Plus II Monitor Operator's Manual.

What happened to the distance calibration on my combine? Nissan patrol gq service manual. Where do I find it?. Beginning with version 27 software for Axial Flow combines, the distance calibration is called 'Tire Radius.' You can find it from the home screen by selecting the 'Calibrations' page, then select the 'Calibr' tab at the bottom of the screen.

From the dropdown menu, select 'Tire Radius.' . Once I have calibrated my machine I should never have to do it again right?. Calibrations need to be performed at the beginning of a season or when there is a changed in the operational conditions. What are the criteria that must be met before a combine can begin monitoring / recording yield? Header is in work mode. This is indicated by a green arrow pointing down in the status warning area.

2. Ground speed above.5 mph. 3. Elevator speed between 250-599 RPM.

4. Data card/USB is inserted in the monitor. 5. Create a Grower / Farm / Field / Task. My moisture value isn’t changing on my screen even though I am in changing moisture conditions. What can I check?. With the key off:.

Afs Yield Monitor Operator Manual

Check the fuse for the moisture bypass unit. Remove the two pins at the bottom of the bypass auger to check that the auger is not plugged. Contact your dealer for additional help if needed.

My Yield (Wet Bushels Per Acre) reads -. There are three main things that are considered when the display calculates Wet Bushels Per Acre. If the display is reading dashes, you are missing one of the following:. Weight, Wet.

Working Width (Greater than 0). Ground Speed The above user defined windows can be set up in a run screen by going to Toolbox Layout.

My Yield (Dry Bushels Per Acre) reads -. There are five main things that are considered when the display calculates Dry Bushels Per Acre Yield. If the display is reading dashes, you are missing one of the following:. Weight, Wet. Crop Moisture. Crop Trade Moisture ( Set in Calibrations Crop). Working Width (Greater than 0).

Ground Speed The above user defined windows can be set up in the run screen by going to Toolbox Layout. My Moisture is reading constant and is the same as my Manual Moisture Setting in Calibrations Crop. If your moisture in the display is reading the same as the manual moisture setting in calibrations crop, it is because the moisture sensor is in manual mode.

Go to Toolbox Layout and add Moisture Mode to a run Screen. With Moisture Mode you can turn Manual Moisture to Auto Mode. Moisture will be in Set to Manual Mode when the moisture sensor detects a invalid reading, a moisture sensor fault is detected, or if the operator turns manual moisture mode on. On V28.8 Yield software and after, the display will identify in the Status and Warning Icon area a Man Moisture Icon to signify that the moisture sensor detects an invalid reading. This is often seen when keying on the machine at the beginning of operation until crop enters the Moisture Bypass Assembly. My acreage is off for my harvested field. How do I correct this?.

Often the Acreage shown as harvested is not the same as what was planted or what the known field size is. It is recommended to do a Distance Calibration or Tire Radius (Found in Calibrations Calibrate), to correct the wheel speed sensor for the tires installed on the Combine. Several in season factors can attribute to the acreage being a mismatch after a field is finished. The measured area for the harvested field can be corrected by going to Calibrations Area tab. There you can select the Grower, Farm and Field and correct the actual acres harvested to what is recorded. Does the Pro 700 save data to the internal memory of the display?.

The AFS Pro 700 display does not save all data to the internal memory. To save mapping data, a USB memory device must be installed in the display during operation. Examples of mapping data include: combine mapping (yield and moisture), as-applied mapping (seed, fertilizer, herbicide, etc.), vehicle data mapping (fuel used, engine load, slip, etc.).

If operating without a USB, mapping data will be shown on the display, but when the display is shut down, it will not be saved. There is no way to recover this data. Is a USB stick included with the purchase of new equipment?. Combines are the only units that ship from the factory with a Case IH approved USB stick.

The USB stick is found in the plastic pouch with the combine operator's manuals. Contact your dealer to purchase the recommended USB stick. My yield data is no longer visible on my display. The display contains a feature called 'Season Setup Date'.

Once the 'season setup date' passes, data prior to that date will be archived and not visible on the display. Data prior to the season setup date can be viewed in the desktop software.

Is it possible to transfer my unlocks from my old display to new?. Unlocks that can be transferred are:. Task Controller. AccuStat.

RowGuide Unlocks can be transferred to and from the following displays:. Pro 600 to Pro 700. Pro 300 to Pro 700. Pro 700 to Pro 700 Contact your local dealer for more details. I have an offset header installed on my combine.

What should I put in as my Header Center Offset in the AFS Pro 600 or AFS Pro 700 display?. Header Center Offset is used for calculating autoguidance swaths and accurately mapping harvested regions. It is critical that this value be accurately entered in the combine display. The Header Center Offset is determined by measuring the horizontal distance (parallel to the long axis of the front axle) between the GPS receiver and the center of the header. If the center of the header is to the LEFT of the GPS receiver, the Header Center Offset will be a negative value.

If the center of the header is to the RIGHT of the GPS receiver, the Header Center Offset will be a positive value. All directions are referenced while facing the normal direction of travel. Do I need to complete my yield monitor calibrations any specific order?

All Case IH AFS yield monitors should be calibrated in the following order:. 1. Maximum Working Height (called Header Stop Height in some older Case IH displays). Note that this calibration must be completed for each Crop Type.

Failure to properly calibrate Maximum Working Height may result in unexpected data recording behavior. Distance Calibration (called Tire Radius Calibration on some Case IH combines). 3. Moisture Calibration.

4. Weight (Yield) Calibration.

5. Area Calibration (optional, and can only be performed after harvest in a field is complete). I am going to calibrate my yield monitor and I remember from a clinic that there were several tips to successful calibrations.

Can you tell me what those are?. There are a number of tips that can improve the accuracy of your yield monitor calibrations. Maximum Working Height (Header Stop Height): Must be set for each Crop Type. It is best to do this with the appropriate header installed on the machine. Distance Calibration (Tire Radius Calibration): A minimum travel distance of 200' is required. However, Case IH recommends a travel distance of 400'. All distances should be measured with a tape, rather than a wheel.

The Distance Calibration or Tire Radius Calibration should be performed in field conditions, with the header installed, proper tire pressure, and approximately half a tank of grain. Moisture Calibration: Moisture Calibration must be performed for each Crop Type.

Case IH recommends using the Moisture Calibration Wizard. Ensure that the grain tank is empty before beginning harvest. Continue harvesting until the 'Instant Moisture' and 'Average Moisture' readings for the Task are very close. Take 4-5 hand samples from the load and measure the actual moisture of each with an accurate, calibrated tester. Take an average of all the samples and enter this into the display as the 'actual' moisture.

Afs Yield Monitor For Sale

Select no more than 3 Tasks for use in the Moisture Calibration, and ensure that the%Error for all of the selected Tasks are closely grouped. Grain Weight Calibration (Yield Calibration): The grain weight calibration must be performed for each Crop Type. Case IH recommends using the Moisture Calibration Wizard. Ensure that the grain tank is empty before beginning harvest. Select a target weight between 3000 and 10000 pounds, and ensure that each Task is within 5% of this target weight. Each Task must be harvested at a consistent flow rate, but flow rate should be varied among different Tasks.

For example, cut 6 Tasks, with 2 at Low Flow, 2 at Medium Flow, and 2 at High Flow. To modify flow rate, adjust ground speed or your working width. Do not unload on the go during a grain weight calibration! Once you have completed 4 or more calibration loads, pick at least 4 loads with different flow rates and consistent%Error.

By default, new calibrations only apply to the current harvest Task and future harvest Tasks. Previous data can be updated in Data Management Apply. It says in my operator's manual that I shouldn't use loads with greater than 10% error when calibrating my grain weight on my yield monitor. All of my loads are over 10% error, what should I do?. First, you need to verify that there is nothing mechanically wrong with your yield monitoring system.

Common sources of error include moisture in connectors (often as a result of pressure-washing the vehicle), damaged wiring harnesses), and a deflector plate clearance (if required) that is not within spec. Contact your Case IH dealer for assistance identifying these or other issues that might be to blame.

If you find that there is no mechanical issue with the machine and ALL of your grain weight calibration loads are consistently over 10% (but with similar error%), then it is usually safe to go ahead and calibrate with those loads. An example: You have 6 grain weight calibration loads at varying levels of crop flow. Your errors range from 12% - 13.8%. Select all 6 loads and calibrate. Since the error is consistent, this set of loads should produce acceptable calibration results.

My AFS Yield Monitor operator's manual says that I should use loads larger than 3,000 pounds for my grain weight calibrations on my yield monitor. For me to use a semi-trailer for calibration loads? Just remember that you will need to complete loads (Tasks) at different flow rates and in some Crop Types is will take a long time to fill a semi trailer on low flow. Also, remember that if you use a semi trailer for 1 load, you need to use it for all your grain weight calibration loads, as the weights of each calibration load must be within a 5% range. The recommended weight for calibration loads is 10,000lbs. There always seems to be so much going on the first few days of harvest. Do I have to calibrate my yield monitor on the first day?

You can calibrate your yield monitor at any time during harvest. To apply current calibrations to previously harvested data in an AFS Pro 600 or AFS Pro 700, use the 'Apply Cal Values' feature in Data Management Apply. Do I need to recalibrate my yield monitor every year?. Case IH recommends that a full set of yield and moisture calibrations be performed every year. This will ensure that performance is not negatively affected by machine maintenance (new elevator chain or paddles, different flow sensor impact plate, etc.) or by crop characteristics (density, texture, etc.).

If I delete yield data from a previous season, will my yield and moisture calibration values be reset to default? Calibration values are stored independently from yield data, and are not affected when data is deleted. To reset calibration values to default, import Default values for the selected Crop Type on the Calibrations Crop screen.

Just a couple more questions on these 2188 yield monitors (The black box style with LCD display). We just purchased a 2188 last month and it comes with an AFS monitor for yield, moisture, and field mapping. Do they do an adequate job? I have loked all over this forum and other websites to find info on them, but very little is mentioned, except for the newer monitors on the new combines. Even Case's website doesn't have anything. I am interested in the yield mapping end of things as we are trying new varieties, different seeding rates, etc. Or am I expecting too much?

Not too sure what to expect from it, but I am hoping it will do the job. If anyone has any links regarding this style of monitor, please post it up here. The technology in these monitors is considered obsolete, and they're certainly not fancy, but they are capable of excellent results (often equal to a 'modern' monitor), as long as you're just looking for basic yield/moisture data and mapping. The AFS black box is essentially an AgLeader YM2000 The firmware is different, but general operation is very similar. Before you head to the field, make sure your firmware is current (6.02AC or BC). If it's not, your dealer can order the new chip for you (should be less than $50).

Also might be a good idea to replace the internal battery, if you don't know when it was last done (or ever done). 888-CASE-AFS can answer any questions you have,. Read the manual and do calibration loads for each crop. This will dial it in and make it as accurate as it can be. Its only as good as its calibration.

I would recommend getting a card or 2, You can find them cheap on EBAY, I bought one last year for $25. When field mapping you can only get about 6 or 7 days on a card. The main reason I would recommend a card is so you can back up your data and calibration loads so when the internal batteries do fail you don't have to go through the nightmare of recalibrating everything.

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