
Pearson Lab Manual The Axial Skeleton Answers


Lab Protocol 1. After studying the lab exercise and this PDF, complete the Review Sheet which accompanies the lab exercise. Use ADAM to study the bones and contours as per directions in the lab manual. Take the quiz on the skeleton.

Pearson Lab Manual The Axial Skeleton Answers 27

Set out one in tact sku ll per group. A group of 3–4 students is ide al. Set out lab eled samp les of disar ticulate d vertebra e, an articul ated verte bral colum n, a disartic ulated skull, and a Beauchene skull. Have art iculated sk eletons av ailable.

Th ere should be a minim um of two, on e male and one fema le. Display X rays of ind ividuals w ith scolio sis, kyphosi s, and lordo sis, if avai lable.

Stude nts are oft en willing to bring in X rays for the class to use if none are available. Set out pip e cleaner s, blunt prob es, or unsha rpened pe ncils with e rasers for the stude nts to use wh ile studying the bones. Caution them against marking the bones with pencils or markers.

Set out an i solated fe tal skull in a demonst ration area, unless eno ugh are av ailable for each grou p. If you don’t already know it, figure out the approximate age of the fetus, since someone is sure to ask. Developmental charts are usually available in developmental anatomy texts. Students ma y have s ome troub le with th e numerous foramina of the sk ull. You m ay wish to have t hem locate all of the foramina at this time, but hold them responsible for identifying a smaller number.

Pearson lab manual the axial skeleton answers 27Answers

The ethm oid bone m ay cause so me proble ms, espec ially if the s kulls are o ld and the c onchae ha ve begun to crumble. The disarticulated and Beauchene skulls will come in handy here. There is th e occasio nal studen t who asks w hether m ales have o ne less rib than fema les. A trip to t he articulated skeletons provides the answer: no.

The Axial Skeleton Worksheet

“Sa ddle blo ck” ane sthe sia is simi lar to epid ura l anesth esia.

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