
Wreb 2013 Candidate Guide Patp Sample Questions


Orhow the profession eats its young each spring Licensure Boards Orhow the profession eats its young each spring Licensure Boards Testing Agencies (CRDTS, WREB) administer the testSTATES actually issue the license. What’s Coming Up? CRDTS DS, Feb 14th, 15th (Patient) WREB DS, March 13th-16th CRDTS DS, October 2014 (Manikin) CRDTS ISP, October 2014 WREB ISP, August or November 2014 Information Available WREB.ORG CRDTS.ORG Schedules, Policies Manuals! Licensure Boards Unjust? Maybe sobut Unless you pass themyou cannot practice what you have worked hard to learn!

  1. Wreb Exam
  2. Wreb Dental Hygiene Candidate Guide
  3. Wreb Candidate Guide 2018

Wreb Exam

Document for Pilb State Of Nevada Study Guide is available in various. Transmission problems,autocad 2013 training manual german,poppy by avi teaching guide. Microeconomics w cd rom clep test preparation,the second conflict the. Haynes manual poulan service manuals pp435 wreb 2016 candidate guide patp.

Licensure Boards Do not waste your time and energy complaining about the board situation! Direct all of your efforts toward taking these boards ONCE! Then join the rest of us in complaining if you wish Licensure Boards This is not a school functionthis is your responsibility Look for patients constantly Work together for a backup pool READ THE BOOK! WREB Overview Operative Section Any two of the above Class II amalgam Class II composite Indirect Cast Gold (inlay - 3/4 crown) Class III composite Any two of the above Only one may be a slot prep Caries on unrestored proximal NO MO’s on lower first premolars WREB Overview Endodontic Section Endodontic treatment (anterior tooth) Endodontic treatment (posterior tooth) Access and condensation on anterior tooth and one canal on a multi-canal posterior tooth Extracted teeth mounted in Acadental ModuPro.

Wreb candidate guide 2018

WREB Overview Periodontal Section Diagnostic Section (Computer Based) Treatment Section (your patient) Prosthodontics Section Computer Based Treatment Planning Computer based WREB Changes for 2015! Periodontal Section Diagnostic Section (Computer Based) Treatment Section (your patient) Prosthodontics Section Computer Based Treatment Planning Computer based WREB Changes for 2015! NEW CTP Exam Content in TP, Perio, Pros Treatment Section (your patient) NEW CTP Exam 3 hours Computer based 3 cases (Complex, moderate, pediatric) Content in TP, Perio, Pros Will happen earlier (fall 2014) WREB Changes for 2014! Each modification will be 0.5 penalty on prep grade In PATP define perio as insurance code.

Hi, A friend of mine told me some questions from the computer test and I need help finding the answers. 1- What is the axis of rotation in RPD that only has teeth #21, 22 and 27? 1.a Plan a partial for this same case.

2-In a crown prep, what is the bur used to make bevel in the chanfer margins? 3- What is the biggest problem when you try to replace teeth 9 and 10 in a RPD? If anybody else remember questions please post them even if you dont have the answers. Here are my answers: 1- The axis of rotation is the fulcrum line, which is the line that passes through the most distal rests. In this case it should be the rests on the mesial of #20 and #28. 2 - I think diamond bur is the better answer choice.

3- What choices were given? It probably has something to do with esthetics, either of the actual crowns themselves or of the clasps for retention. For the cavitron issue- I brought a cavitron just in case (even though the school had everything available to borrow with no additional fee) and I am so happy I did bc they were running out. I've taken the NERBs too, so I knew a few little tricks. To lessen any bleeding before you send the patient for grading- I soaked a cotton roll in the anesthetic and dabbed it over the gingiva.

Also, you might want to give your patient a little extra anesthesia right before they go to grading because it sometimes takes a while in line, the anesthesia wears off and then it appears as though you haven't done a good job of pain control. For endo- When mounting a central or lateral maxillary incisor, you will NOT be able to mount it with the proclination exactly matching the typodont tooth on the articulator. If you procline it that much, you'll see on your xray that your tooth will be lying on the plastic box. So, you WILL have to align it more upright than the central typodont tooth.

Don't let that freak you out- we all had to do that. I did 2 teeth on the same quadrant, so I was able to do the access to both simultaneously and then clean/shape at the same time. They are very particular about having your rubber dam in place, so you cannot be tricky about this. I heard a couple ppl get reprimanded for their improper rubber dam placement. The examiner was very nice, but was strict about this one point. Also, 2 pieces of advice: 1) Bring plenty of xray packets. Hand dipping doesn't always turn out looking that fabulous and you may need to retake.

2) Bring a portable hair dryer to quickly dry the radiographs. Air drying (which I did) took up to 15 min! Hair dryers can get it done in 1 min. For operative: WREB requires that the caries reaches the DEJ.

Therefore, MANY MANY of us found that when we opened it up our 'ideal' looking lesions were much bigger and had to do modifications. Don't be afraid to request mods IF it really is bigger than ideal- I did like 5 modification requests and got them all approved no pink slips and did just fine overall.

For the CSW exam: I am not a fast test taker, and even I finished early. So time is not an issue. The perio portion was almost exactly like the practice questions floating around.

The prostho was similar too- but the 3D models were strange, so test them out in the tutorial time. PATP: Most ppl got questions on patients who needed prostho work. However, there were a good number of us who got a PEDO case! Don't forget to review pediatric cases.

My kid had a heart issue, so recall the antibiotic mg amounts before hand. Also, I noticed that the manual put 'Give OHI' once in the beginning of the tx plan and once at the end, so I also wrote it twice. I guess for emphasis. I'm sure I forgot to mention stuff.

Thanks alot for the information For the cavitron issue- I brought a cavitron just in case (even though the school had everything available to borrow with no additional fee) and I am so happy I did bc they were running out. I've taken the NERBs too, so I knew a few little tricks. To lessen any bleeding before you send the patient for grading- I soaked a cotton roll in the anesthetic and dabbed it over the gingiva.

Also, you might want to give your patient a little extra anesthesia right before they go to grading because it sometimes takes a while in line, the anesthesia wears off and then it appears as though you haven't done a good job of pain control. Also, 2 pieces of advice: 1) Bring plenty of xray packets. Hand dipping doesn't always turn out looking that fabulous and you may need to retake. 2) Bring a portable hair dryer to quickly dry the radiographs. Air drying (which I did) took up to 15 min!

Hair dryers can get it done in 1 min. What is xray packet?what kind of developing system they are using?isn't the automatic one which dry the film by itself? For operative: WREB requires that the caries reaches the DEJ. Therefore, MANY MANY of us found that when we opened it up our 'ideal' looking lesions were much bigger and had to do modifications. Don't be afraid to request mods IF it really is bigger than ideal- I did like 5 modification requests and got them all approved no pink slips and did just fine overall. For the CSW exam: I am not a fast test taker, and even I finished early. So time is not an issue.

The perio portion was almost exactly like the practice questions floating around. The prostho was similar too- but the 3D models were strange, so test them out in the tutorial time. Where can I find practice questions? They have obtura guns and will provide hand files, rotary files, handpieces, and GP cones. Arizona teaches warm vertical condensation, so they'll have all the instruments for that. If that doesn't suit you, bring the additional items you like. Thanks alot.I haven't received my package yet so I still don't know if we need 2 teeth for Endo,one anterior and one poterior or not?and should do them both from access to obturation?posterior should be a molar or can be a premolar with one canal?can you help with that?Thanks.

Thanks alot.I haven't received my package yet so I still don't know if we need 2 teeth for Endo,one anterior and one poterior or not?and should do them both from access to obturation?posterior should be a molar or can be a premolar with one canal?can you help with that?Thanks In answer to your last 2 posts. Sorry 'bout the confusion.

By xray packet, I meant bring enough film. Not all schools will be using their automatic developers for the endo section since you have to stay in the room. And can't be coming in and out.

Wreb Dental Hygiene Candidate Guide

When I took it, they had set out a bunch of hand developer boxes. It isn't hard- just dip the film in the developer-water-fixer-water.

I hear the UCLA ppl have a lot of practice questions for CSW bc they review for it at school. Definitely ask one of them.

We don't train for the WREB over here, so I'm probably a poor source for those resources. For Endo- You will need to work on 2 teeth (1 anterior and 1 posterior tooth with at least 2 canals). A premolar IS acceptable as long as it has 2 canals. A premolar with only 1 canal will be rejected.

You will do the access, cleaning/shaping, and fill. For the posterior tooth you only need to clean/shape and fill one of the canals. However, you have to open your access properly such that the other canals can be identified. Thanks alot.I haven't received my package yet so I still don't know if we need 2 teeth for Endo,one anterior and one poterior or not?and should do them both from access to obturation?posterior should be a molar or can be a premolar with one canal?can you help with that?Thanks Yes, you need two teeth (one anterior and one posterior). That does not vary from exam site to exam site.

Wreb Candidate Guide 2018

When did you register for the exam, and did you send them all the needed information? It seems like you should have at least received the Candidate Guide and school information already. Arizona uses digital radiographs, and the only section that uses traditional (film) packets is endo. Those radiographs are done using hand chemistry (hand dipping in the tanks), so they are not dried by machine. They are air dried (or using blow drier, alcohol, etc.). I assume the final PAs are for obturation grading.so on the final films, do the master cone or therma fill core have to be already trimmed and the chamber clean????

Because if yes, we would need pretty much to do final films twice, since we can't clean the chamber e finish completely b4 seeing the final. Anybody knows???? The final films are for grading of everything (although portions of access are graded clinically as well as radiographically), so everything needs to be clean and in the condition you are submitting the tooth in.

I only took 2-3 radiographs when I did the endo last time. One for master file length, one for master cone fit, and one final radiograph. The file length one can be avoided. Here are the stuff that you will be seeing in your exam: 1)-You will see one question about Prophylaxis: make sure you know if a pt. Is alleregic to Pen what you prescribe instead 2) In Perio endo lession.which one you treat first ( endo always first) 3) the most important factor in patient treatment, is alway pt. Himeslf 4) classification of Patient: Class I, II or II or Iv and V ( as far as systemic disease goes) 4) be able to classify perio ( periodontitis, mild, moderate, sever) 5) rememeber you never do everything, if something that you can't do you have to refer. 6) Implants, clean it with plastic materials Never use metal 7) know complete denture in side out.

Chick bitting teeth arrangment kind of teeth you use with natural tooth problem if a denture patient is Wistle know VDR, VDO, how to measure those on real pt. With tori, least invasive method pt. With tori best tx for a pt with tori for denture 8) know the kennedy classifcation with Modification 9) know Angle classiffication 10) distinguish b/w Horizontal bone loss and vertical 11) distinguish b/w inflamed, healty, knift edge, bulbos gingiva 12) distinguish between mental foramen, and redioluency 13) know the major connector for both arches 14) make sure you know how to calculate attachment loss Negative number means pt. Has no ressesion positive means, pt has ressesion 15) know how to calculate the attached gingiva from a reference point such as mucogingival junction and pocket depth 16) distinguish b/w Edametous Firm Fibros. Reading really don't help much and it is all what you have learned in your dental school. Most of the question are straight forward, however, these are the most important topics Complete Denture Partial Denture Perio classification angle's classification Major connectors Kennedy classification Sequeces of TX, in perio Sequesces of deliv.

Partial denture problems with framework what do you do if a partial denture tooth is broken know that cement don't adhere to tooth, crown retention is mostly mechanical if a denture pt. Counts untill 60 and the upper falls Means there is no retention can cause by too thick posterior border Overextended and many more remember never ever use,Porcelaine teeth with natural tooth sequece of partial denture adjustment in day day of deliv. I will write one example of attachment loss calculation: Make sure you know how to Calculate Attachment loss: Know the difference b/w Pocket Depth, CEJ, Gingival Margin Know the abbreviation first: CEJ: cemantoenamel junction GM: gingival margin PD: pocket depth Negative Number, means Gingival Margin is Coronal to CEJ ( no Recession) Positive Number means Gingiva is Apical to CEJ. Example of Attachment loss of GM when Negative: GM - 1 = means gingiva is 1 mm above CEJ. No attachment loss normal So Pocket depth = attachment loss Example of Attachment loss with GM when Positive: GM + 1 Pocket depth 3 So total attachment loss is 4, because gingival margine is already 1 mm below CEJ. Another example: if the distance from Gingival margine to Mucogingvial junction is 10 mm and the pocket depth is 5 how much of attached gingive you would have? 10 mm - 5mm.= 5 mm is your attached gingiva they can change this question adn ask different question however, underestand this will help you alot Remember the numbers are in chart, make sure don't mix up Lingual, facial.just look for what a question is asking.( common mistake) - I will add again if something cross my mind good luck.

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